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APRIL 8, 2009

A Special Town Meeting of the Town of Newtown was held in the Lower Meeting Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT, on Wednesday April 8, 2009. The meeting was called to order by Town Clerk Debbie A. Aurelia at 5:00pm with 13 persons in attendance, after which she read the warning of the meeting. Herbert Rosenthal nominated First Selectman Joseph E Borst as Moderator, seconded by Selectman Paul Mangiafico.

Hearing no other nominations Selectman Borst started the meeting.

First Selectman Joseph Borst said that at a meeting of the Board of Selectman Monday, March 26, 2009 the following resolutions were approved unanimously: “Resolution With Respect To the Authorization, Issuance And Sale Of Not Exceeding $10,000,000 Town Of Newtown General Obligation Refunding Bonds”.  
Selectman Paul Mangiafico made a motion to waive the reading of the resolution, second by Ronald Bienkowski.

Mr. Borst said that possible savings on interest payments could be from between $400,000 and $500,000 when the bonds mature in 2016 and 2022.


Po Murray of 38 Charter Ridge Drive asked what was the intended use of the money.

Mr. Borst said it would not expend the money to start with and redirected the question to Selectman Herb Rosenthal who said that it would go back into the General Fund giving us a lower annual interest rate on the bond so we have a lower debt service.

Motion to approve Bond issue made by Selectman Paul Mangiafico seconded by Ronald Bienkowski. UNANIMOUS.

Mr. Borst then read a communication, “Resolution Providing For A Special Appropriation In The Amount Of $897,286 For The Purchase Of Modular Classrooms Including Electrical And Sewer Connection To Be Used At Newtown High School And Authorizing The Issuance Of $897,286 Bonds Of The Town To Meet Said Special Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose”.  

Motion to waive the reading of the bond made by Paul Mangiafico seconded by Ron Bienkowski.


Ms. Murray stated she supported the portables and the refunding bond to save money for the town, but is concerned that we are having a meeting at 5pm on a Wednesday and that the newspaper was not sufficient in notifying electors. Ms. Murray said she would like to see in the future the Selectmen consider putting these items on a ballot. She said during the last budget referendum many of the capital items were put on the ballot and this could have waited till then if it didn’t affect it.  

Mr. Borst said that this was a timing issue for the portables and could not wait.

LeReine Frampton of 6 Pebble Road stated that Special Town Meetings have been scheduled at various times and that unfortunately no one time can possibly accommodate every person’s schedule.

Robert Merola of 22 Ashford Lane commented he was in support of the portables but wanted clarification because of the wording of the resolution states To Be Used At Newtown High School and does this preclude us from using the portable for someplace other than just the high school.

Selectman Paul Mangiafico reassured that the town will own the portables and they can be used anyway deemed fit. They are not owned by the school board or the board of education or administration.

Hearing no other public participation the motion was made to accept the resolution.

Selectman Herb Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn meeting seconded by Paul Mangiafico.

Debbie A Aurelia
Town Clerk
(full text of resolution follows and is considered part of these minutes)